5 Reasons You Need To Seek Divorce Attorney Services To Determine Spousal Support And Other Benefits

22 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When you are going through a divorce, it is important to have an attorney on your side. This is especially true when it comes to financial matters, such as spousal support and other benefits. It is important to have someone who understands the law and can help you protect your interests. Here are five reasons why you should seek divorce attorney services to help you with spousal support and other benefits: Read More 

Forced Into Drug Trafficking & Getting Caught

30 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Did your relationship with an abusive partner lead to you trafficking drugs out of fear of what he or she might do to you? If you got caught in the act of trafficking drugs and are now faced with spending a long time in prison, you might deserve a lighter sentence. Although you clearly broke the law, a lawyer can help by proving to the court that you committed the drug offense due to being threatened by your partner. Read More 

2 Things to Do If You Get Pulled Over for OWI

13 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

OWI stands for operating while impaired. That means that you are suspected of driving while you are impaired by things like drugs or alcohol. Getting arrested for OWI can end up with a large fine or even jail time. If you do get pulled over because a police officer suspects you are operating while impaired, what should you do? Pull-Over Calmly and Smoothly One thing that you want to do is show that you are in control of your car. Read More 

Do You Need A Will And Estate Planning Lawyer?

21 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

While many people plan for entertainment, vacations, and car purchasing, they hardly think of estate planning. This isn't a thing for the rich only because no one wants a costly and long-standing impact on their loved ones after they're gone. It would help if you did not wait to reach a certain age or suffer a significant illness to begin a will and estate planning. This process should involve regular assessment of your estate value and decide for the future of you and your loved ones. Read More